Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Perfect First Date

I believe the following need little explanation.  These "first dates" are actually pulled from real profiles.  You tell me if you'd go out with these guys:

"i will go with a red rose, my heart, and kiss. iwill promise that i will love for ever, i will give my heart as a gift and i will kiss, if somebody accept me as a her lover."  (I'm not sure it's a good idea to tell a girl that you will love her forever when on your first date.  These things take time!)

"You'll just have to wait and see..."  (Could he be any less creative?  I'm not into top-secret first dates.  It's difficult enough to go on a first date without wondering if the guy is going to take you bungee jumping, kayaking or watersliding.)

"A first date would be dinner and drinks on a patio at Whiterock could you spot me a coulpe of bucks?"  (Yes, I always wanted to pay for a first date.  Who wants to go dutch when you can pay for the whole thing yourself?)

"thats simple i would probably just go out for a coffee or a couple of drinks. no sense in wasting time trying to go on a complex date when you dont even know the person. a first date is almost like a job interview. your both trying to determine if one is qualified for the other."  (At least this guy has the right mindset regarding first dates.  Why waste time and money on an elaborate date when you don't even know if you're going to go on another?)

"Rob a bank then fly off to somewhere exotic and bury a lot of the money in a mayonnaise jar somewhere in the sand then make a treasure map so we can find it later" (Now that's my idea of a first date!)

Then there is the endless list of boring (you wouldn't believe how many people actually put "coffee or drinks")...

"Am big on surprises so i won't tell you right now but i will make it memorable"

"go somewhere we can talk and have some fun"

"Well something fun i bet, something to break the ice.... :)"

"For a first date something simple like a coffee or a drink where we can talk and get to know one another."

This is what we're getting ladies.  A bunch of indecisive men who aren't willing to commit to anything.  Tell me again why I'm doing this?

1 comment:

  1. You're doing this because somewhere out there is Mr. Virgin who is looking for you.
